Maktabi Office solutions in Kuwait | solutions by stc
Maktabi | solutions by stc


Elevate your workspace with Maktabi, a comprehensive office solution

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Our expert team will contact you soon for your business needs.



Watch this video for an overview of our service, and find out how we can help you empower your business to grow further.


Offering a cost-efficient and unique “mix and match” approach, Maktabi lets you select from a range of fixed and mobile internet, wired and wireless network solutions, interactive screens, CCTV solutions to meet your security needs, in addition to enhanced IT experiences from centralized management through Modar and high-quality wireless connectivity with Huawei's solutions.


Secure and convenient access
Secure and convenient access

Seamless office network connection
Seamless office network connection

Hot desking & flexible roaming
Hot desking & flexible roaming

Intelligent wireless network
Intelligent wireless network

hybrid icon
Hybrid and secure collaboration

smooth meeting icon
Smooth meeting and video collaboration experience

Intelligent device and shared workspace room management IDS
Intelligent device and shared workspace room management


connectivity icon

Networking icon

Interactive icon
Interactive screens: IdeaHub S2, B2 and Board 2

cctv icon

Interested in our solutions | solutions by stc

Grow your business with us

Write to us or request a call, and our expert team will contact you at the earliest to help you with your needs.
