Qualitynet becomes the 1st telecom company in Kuwait
Qualitynet, Kuwait’s #1 Internet, Data Communication & ICT services provider is proud to announce that it has been successfully audited and awarded the latest ISO 9001:2015 certification. This marks a milestone of being the First Telecommunication Company in Kuwait to successfully complete a certification audit to the updated ISO 9001:2015 standard by URS – UK (United Register of system).
Ashraf Moosa, Internal Auditor – Qualitynet stated that this certification adds to our continuous efforts to maintain quality throughout everything we do at Qualitynet. “This new standard focuses largely on Risk Management & Customer Mindset. The ISO 9001 was originally written with the customer in mind, and that remains the priority for ISO 9001:2015. It is in line with the strategy adopted in Qualitynet, which addresses each layer in the organization towards Superior Customer Centricity”.
The Lead Auditor stated that ISO 9001:2015 is the auditable new international standard which defines the requirements for Quality Management System. The Auditor also added that ISO Standard of 9001:2015 related aspects of Qualitynet have been independently verified and confirmed by the Audit team, and that the organization will be audited at regular intervals by Internal & External audit teams to check for the effectiveness of their quality systems and company’s overall risk management practices.
Ashraf attributed this achievement as a recognition and reward to each and every staff member of Qualitynet, as a result of their dedication and professionalism. “All staff and management have sincerely contributed in achieving and maintaining such high levels of Total Quality Management with continual improvement”, he added. “Doing business with Qualitynet, an ISO certified and registered organization, ensures that the end process will conform to the strict International Quality Standards set forth by the ISO, and confirm the stability and strong establishment of the organization”, said Ashraf. He concluded by expressing his gratitude to Mrs. Kiran Faisal, Manager Operations – URS, the management and all staff members of Qualitynet.